Download "Following Jesus" book
The book "Following Jesus" may well be the best and most practical book on personal disciple making. It has proven to be very effective in CPM / DMM type movements in a number of very different cultures. It is practical, biblical, straightforward and deeply profound. If you are going to make disciples or teach others to do so, this is the book to read! The author, Jo Graham, has decided to make the latest edition of the book available for free. You'll find a link to the download page at the bottom of this page.
From the foreword of the book:
We wrote the first version of these studies more than 40 years ago while nurturing new Christians in Malaysia, where we worked with a team
pioneering churches in a regional city as well as jungle villages. From there, we moved to Japan, making disciples in a crowded, energetic mega-city,
raising up a new church - and three wonderful children - and rewrote the lessons a few more times.
The next step was a rural, Muslim people group in Mozambique. The same truths needed to be adapted – discipling illiterate fishermen and farmers, mainly using simple booklets. Thousands of them have become followers of Jesus and are vigorously spreading the gospel and making many disciples, teaching these 10 steps of how to follow Jesus.
Now we are back in Japan, still deeply involved on the front-line, helping people to walk with Jesus, grow in His amazing love and then pass it on. We continue to adapt the lessons for children and for whatever situations we find. We hope you will feel free to adapt and translate the material for your situation, too, for smart phones and for YouTube.
With joy and prayer, we dedicate this book to everyone who is looking for encouragement and help in becoming a disciple and discipling others. We wrote it for YOU!
Jo and Jenny Graham
Download the PDF of the book here: